Monday 6 June 2011

(NB: This post is actually from May 17th. It disappeared the day after I posted it and has somehow just reappeared at the top of my blog. Where has it been? Why did it return? Technobollox!)

I had almost finished typing this blog when the whole bloody thing disappeared. Firefox has been crashing regularly recently. I don't know if it is them or my computer, but I do know it pisses me off severely. I'm going to write this up in Textedit and then cut and paste.

The weather here has been gloomy and wet all day. It seems that once again early spring has dribbled straight into the rainy season. They say it will be a hot summer and most people seem terrified of the prospect of no air conditioning because of the power shortage. It doesn't phase me. In fact, my health is always better in the heat. Since I've got older, winter chills cripple me with pain, so the humidity in summer comes as a welcome relief, even if it does smother my bronchitis. I always sleep much better in the heat too, so bring it on.

I was watching the reports on Lorca and the devastation caused by yesterday's earthquake. Looking at all those broken houses and piles of bricks, I was shocked to learn the quake had only been a 5.2. This puts Japanese building safety into perspective; the quake in Tokyo apparently scored a high five on the Richter scale, so higher than that in Spain, but none of our buildings collapsed. For almost 20 years, I have hated this apartment, hated its gray, concrete walls, its wire-crossed frosted glass and its total lack of attraction. Now I say thank god for steel reinforced concrete! Long may it reign! That two-and-a-half minute high-five tremour made this place dance so much that it threw the fridge into the genkan, but the building survived without a single crack. I'll never complain about living in a bunker again.

I've started watching Russell Crowe and Ridley Scott's latest collaboration, "Robin Hood" (or "Robin Hodd" as hubby wrote on the DVD). I've only watched the first 15 minutes, but it seems to be "Gladiator" in a different uniform. It's dark, it's dreary and Russell's Nottingham accent sounds like Ringo Starr drowning in mud. I don't think I am going to be watching this one to the end. To be honest, I only watched Gladiator because it was two hours of Russell Crowe in a mini skirt.