Tuesday 7 June 2011

A Healthy Dinner and the Creeping Painters

I've been on a healthy diet the last month or so. I stopped eating rubbish and started on an intake of mainly salads, fresh fruit and fish. I find eating huge salads fills me up (it's all that roughage) and also makes me feel very energetic, so I don't feel hungry at all, even though my calorie intake is a lot less than usual. So far, so good. I can feel the fat dropping off; I feel lighter and a lot healthier. I can climb stairs without gasping for breath and I sleep pretty well too. Here is what I had for my tea last night:

I mentioned in yesterday's blog the mystery of the vanished painters. Well, this morning, I got up at my usual time of 10a.m. (remember I work the late shift. I am not lazy!) and drew my curtains to find the window covered with plastic and tape on the outside. The painters have been back! This completely creeped me out, because that window is literally one foot from my head when I am sleeping. They must have come back at the crack of dawn this morning, but I had not heard them, not one single sound, even though they must have been within inches of my head! Opening the curtains and seeing that tape on the window felt like unzipping the tent in "Blair Witch" to find piles of stones outside...

Work was AGH today. I am not even going to talk about it. Instead, I am going to read some of my book on lighthouses and imagine I am at the top of a tower, hundreds of miles from anyone else, with not a soul to bother me...