Wednesday 22 June 2011

31 Degrees, No Air Con, Caveman Diet and radio 4

Tokyo is 31 degrees today and the humidity is 65%. Am I the only person who is enjoying the sauna? I love it. All the aches and pains I suffered through winter are gone! No aching back, chest, shoulder, foot, knee, elbow, wrist or guts. In winter I feel like I have been crushed by a ten-tonne truck, so thank god for the warm weather.

Talking of the weather, it seems that a lot of places are going to be sweltering this summer because of the power shortage after the earthquake. Numerous places are restricting their air conditioning temperature to 28 degrees or else have no air con at all. I've been warned that a university I am going to lecture at for 3 days next week may have no air con and so I should "dress lightly or casually". Not sure what they mean by that. Light suit? Bikini? Event halls are offering 10% discounts to people who book their rooms for functions because they will also have to set the air con at 28 degrees with no exceptions. Some places are just shutting up shop completely and forcing people to take all their paid holidays during August.

My healthy eating habits are still going strong. I'm finding it surprisingly easy to stick to what Tom Jones calls the "Caveman Diet" - all or nearly all - raw , unprocessed food. Lots of salad, raw fish, fruit and simple cooked food like boiled rice. The weight is dropping off me but I don't feel hungry because I am still eating a lot volume-wise, but not calorie-wise. All those plant fibers really fill you up. My method is to eat my meal then fill up any space by stuffing in as many bananas as possible and it works. My clothes now feel baggy and annoying instead of tight and annoying, but I still can't fit into my old jeans. I think they must have shrunk four sizes at least whilst they have been lying in the cupboards. Either that or all my remaining body fat has rallied in my arse regions for solidarity and a final stand.

However, there is one down side to the fat receding - once it's gone, you see what you have underneath it. It's rather like the tide going out and revealing all those old rusty shopping trolleys people have thrown into the harbour. Once the fat is gone you start feeling other things. Things that dangle. Things that wobble. Odd shapes and bumps. You think, "Oh my god... what is THAT?!" and after convincing yourself that you have some terminal disease you finally realise that it's just what used to be firm sagging like a piece of old knicker elastic. My latest discovery is a horrible big vein in my armpit. It's probably been their for ages under all the fat, but now it is liberated from lard it is free to dangle.

I have just discovered Radio 4. I can't believe I have never listened to it before. It is so interesting and informative. I've been listening to "Gardeners' Question Time", documentaries, and that quiz show with Nicholas Parsons (He's still alive. Well done, mate). I'm going off now to have a bath, have my tea and listen to the afternoon play. Life doesn't get more exciting than this.