Tuesday 12 April 2011

Hanami season is here again. This year it seems to have sneaked up on me without me noticing. I suppose my mind, like everyone else's over the last month, has been focused on the hell that has been happening up in the north of Japan. Tokyo Governer Ishihara, in his wisdom, infamously told everyone they should practice self-restraint ("Jishuku") on behalf of the north, and in particular avoid hanami parties this year, but that is not going to help anyone. We need to get the economy back on its feet, and sitting at home every night with the lights off isn't going to do that. So, get out of the house, into restaurants, bars and shops, spend money and get the ball rolling. I went out not once but twice to hanami this week, both in support of the north and the economy and to stick two fingers up at Ishihara. Who ARE the fools who just voted him back in for a second term? I wish they had been able to take his advice and practice a bit of self-restraint instead of ticking his name on the ballot slip.