Monday 18 April 2011

Grandpa K, the Priory of Sion, Printers and Aftershocks

 Grandpa K the jazz band leader
 He looks very much like Ron from Sparks here (but then so does hubby)
Two of the many instruments he could play

The above pics are from hubby's grandfather's old photo album. I've spent a few hours today scanning them in and tinkering with the quality on Photoshop. The originals are all pretty faded and/or yellowed, so I am quite pleased with the results. I've also scanned in a huge number of photocopies of 1920s and 30s Japanese newspaper articles about Grandpa K. Eventually, I hope to put up a website in his honour as currently there is nothing at all online about him and his contribution to US and Japanese jazz.

Watched the documentary on Leonardo Da Vinci. Actually, it wasn't about him, it was about the Dan Brown book, "The Da Vinci Code". Tony Robinson spent a couple of hours trashing the theories and most interestingly covered the writing of "The Holy Blood and the Holy Grail", which was one of the most gripping books I ever read and which I never realised until today had been exposed as a hoax years ago. I discovered that the so-called Priory of Sion was made up by three Frenchmen as an exercise in surrealism. So, I was right in my prediction that the documentary would be interesting, although for reasons other than I had expected.

I just managed to download a new printer driver and get the printer working all by myself. It doesn't sound like much, but for me, the technotard, that is quite an achievement.

Aftershock update - I've felt two since I posted last night - one literally a minute after I went to bed and another that woke me up at 9am.