Monday 24 January 2011

Aoyama Baiso-in Gujo Odori Dancing Festival

There is a dancing festival held at Baisoin Temple in Aoyama, Tokyo every summer. This showcases Gujo Odori (Gujo Dancing) and to get an idea of what it is like, you can take a look at this website:

 Aoyama Baisoin

I have been several times and enjoy taking pictures during the first half, while it is still light. Then, after the musicians take a break, you find that the light is fading, so I usually spend the second half taking part in the dancing. It isn't too strenuous and it is pretty easy to pick up the basic steps if you watch the people next to you carefully. This is a lot more upmarket than most of the other festivals I've been to, but then Aoyama is one of the ritzier areas of Tokyo. There are no dodgy-looking, chain-smoking teenagers selling greasy noodles here; instead, if you go inside one of the outbuildings, you'll find a good selection of regional products ranging from food to traditional clothing. The dancers seem to be more expensively dressed than those at other festivals too, like these two very graceful ladies.